About Print My Fish
I'm Dooma, a fisherman and artist based on Sydney's Northern Beaches. I practice the ancient Japanese "gyotaku" style to create artworks of your trophy fish. To learn more about how to commission a print, click here. I also sell merchandise and reproduction prints.
Gyotaku translates roughly as "fish-rubbing" and was used by fisherman as a way to record fish size before cameras were around. Prized catches were painted with ink or paint, then a piece of Japanese rice paper was laid over the fish. The fish was then lightly rubbed, so the ink's transferred from the scales, fins and flesh to the paper.
When peeled back, an exact negative image of the species was left.
Today, I emulate the style and paint back in the fine details - eyes, scales, fins, colour and shading - with non-toxic, edible paint to bring the trophy fish to life, creating a lasting image of a personal best fish, a rare species or your kid's first catch. Your fish can then be eaten afterwards (I can fillet and supply you a recipe!).
This video below shows how it's done. It was filmed on Namotu Island, Fiji, where, as the island's fisherman, my job was to supply fresh fish to the restaurant's chef.
Also check out my Instagram...
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